Thanks for sending link to your blog, it was good to read about your cavorting. I particularly liked the Miss Dolly pics, the scale distortion they achieved. Was that doll in The Cabin?

Stuart Fiddes, Bucks Mill

I really enjoyed reading and closely seeing your project:so  poetic...And also the idea that these small things, quite insignificant, usual objects of everyday life, open to the wild wide world, help people to connect : it is amazing and wonderful. It says so much about the people who livd there...Thank you for giving me the opportunity to see and learn.

Martine Jablonski Cahours, Paris

Your adventure in Bucks Mill is absolutely beautifully described.I was in there. Do publish. You are a writer and a poet.

Mieke Aussems, Somerset

I love the work. The blog is brilliant.

Dr Chris Seeley, Sustainability Consultant, Glos